Der Mann, der sich nicht scheute, unbequem zu sein und soziale Missstände anzuprangern, stammte aus erbärmlichen sozialen Verhältnissen. Er wuchs auf einer kleinen Farm im Mississippi Delta auf, wo er u.a. die harte Arbeit in den Baumwollfeldern kennen lernte. Von seinen Eltern Carrie & Ray Cash bekam Johnny Cash den Leitfaden fürs Leben mit auf den Weg. Daddy Ray, den ich auch noch kennen lernen durfte, war ein einfacher Mann, der mit Recht stolz auf das war, was er mit seiner Hände Arbeit für die Familie erreichen konnte und was aus seinen Kindern geworden war.
Wie in vielen Familien auf dem Land brachte die Musik ein wenig Abwechslung in den tristen Alltag. Für den jungen Johnny Cash war sie mehr als nur Zeitvertreib, früh deutete sich an, dass dort eine Zukunft für ihn liegen könnte. Der frühe Tod seines Bruders Jack war zwar ein einschneidendes Erlebnis, hielt Johnny Cash aber nicht ab, nach Schulabschluss den Weg in die Musik zu suchen. Der führte ihn über Gelegenheitsjobs 1950 erst einmal zur Air Force. Seine Dienstzeit verbachte er zeitweise in Deutschland (Landsberg/Lech) und damit, erste Songs zu schreiben. Wieder zurück im Zivilleben heiratete Cash, ging zu seinem Bruder Roy nach Memphis, lernte dort u.a. Luther Perkins und Marshall Grant kennen, mit denen er musizierte und hoffte, beim neuen Label SUN Records Platten machen zu können. Dort war ein gewisser Elvis Presley gerade dabei, Furore zu machen. SUN-Boss Sam Phillips ließ sich erweichen und so erschien 1955 Johnny Cash´s erste SUN-Single mit den beiden Eigenkompositionen "Hey Porter" und "Cry Cry Cry". Ein Gigant war auf dem Weg! Wenig später erreichte "So Doggone Lonesome" die Top 5 und "Folsom Prison Blues" Platz 4. 1956 tauchte Johnny Cash erstmals auf Platz 1 der Country Charts auf: "I Walk The Line". Damit hatte er nacheinander zwei Songs vorgestellt, die seine gesamte weitere Karriere begleiten und bestimmen sollten. Bis Ende der 50er Jahre blieb Johnny Cash Stammgast in den Charts.
Er schwebte auf einer Erfolgswelle, die ihn in alle großen TV Shows brachte, er wurde Mitglied beim "Louisiana Hayride" und der "Grand Ole Opry". Diese verließ er aber bald wieder, für ihn bedeutete die Mitgliedschaft dort nicht die Krönung einer Laufbahn, er wollte sich den starren Opry-Regeln nicht unterwerfen. Ein erster Nachweis für seinen Freiheitsdrang und sein rebellisches Naturell.
Der Erfolg forderte auch von Cash enormen Tribut, denn er war nahezu ständig unterwegs. Den damit verbundenen Gefahren konnte er sich nicht entziehen, Aufputsch- und Beruhigungsmittel, Alkohol, Stress... all das zehrte an seinen Kräften, mergelte seinen Körper aus. Auch mit dem Gesetz kam er wiederholt in Konflikt. Noch heute kursieren die abenteuerlichsten Geschichten aus jenen Jahren. Nicht nur die Gesundheit nahm Schaden, auch das Privatleben wurde ruiniert. Seine erste Frau Vivian, geborene Liberto, verließ ihn mitsamt den Kindern. Scheidung!. Nichts schien den durch sein Leben und seine Karriere torkelnden Star auf dem Weg ins Verderben stoppen zu können. Bis in engem zeitlichen Zusammenhang mehrere einschneidende Dinge sein Leben änderten. Beruflich war das das inzwischen legendäre Album "Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison", das ihm mit der Auskoppelung der Live-Version des Titelsongs 1968 eine weitere No. 1 einbrachte. Auch der Tod seines Freundes und Gitarristen Luther Perkins rüttelte ihn wach. Noch entscheidender aber wurde June Carter , die in sein Leben getreten war, es verstand, auf ihn einzugehen und zum Positiven zu beeinflussen und die er im Mai 1968 heiratete.
Einher mit diesen Ereignissen ging, dass Cash eigenen Aussagen zufolge in jenen dunkelsten Tagen seines Lebens den Weg zu Gott fand. Künftig würde es einen geläuterten aber nicht weniger unbequemen Johnny Cash geben. Mit dem Carl Perkins Song "Daddy Sang Bass" und dem im Gefängnis von San Quentin aufgenommenen Album erreichte Cash neue, nicht gekannte Höhen. "A Boy Named Sue" aus dem San Quentin Album wurde ein weiterer Eckpfeiler seiner Karriere. Auch im Duett mit June Carter stellten sich solche "Karriere-Hits" ein wie "Jackson" (das in keiner seiner Live Shows fehlen durfte) oder "If I Were A Carpenter".
Doch erneut drohte er den Versuchungen des Erfolges zu erliegen. Mitte der 80er Jahre begab er sich in die Betty Ford Klinik zur Entziehung... Diesmal offenbarten sich auch bleibende Gesundheitsschäden, eine Operation am offenen Herzen war eine Folge. Gesundheitliche Probleme sollten seinen gesamten weiteren Weg flankieren.
Es würde zu weit führen, alle Erfolge des kantigen, schon von seiner Statur her imposanten Künstlers aufzuzählen. 1980 erfuhr er mit der Aufnahme in die Hall of Fame seine größte Ehre. Johnny Cash war trotz oder gerade wegen seiner nicht "unbefleckten Weste" gern gesehener Gast bei verschiedenen Präsidenten im Weißen Haus. Immer dann, wenn er es für notwendig hielt, sprach er in der Öffentlichkeit ein deutliches Wort - und ein Johnny Cash fand Gehör. Dass er sich dabei oft für Minderheiten und die vom Schicksal wie von der Gesellschaft Benachteiligten einsetzte, ist kein Zufall. Eine Sache, die Cash sehr am Herzen lag, war das Schicksal der Ureinwohner seiner Heimat. Er tat dies nicht nur mit verschiedenen, eindrucksvollen Konzept-Alben sondern auch bei anderen Gelegenheiten. So bekam Johnny Cash nach und nach den Ruf eines "Fürsprechers für soziale Randgruppen". Sprichwörtlich ist auch heute noch seine Hilfsbereitschaft auch für in Not geratene Kollegen
Johnny Cash blieb zeitlebens seinem Publikum in besonderer Weise zugetan. Nach Deutschland kam er dabei regelmäßig und besonders gerne, die Gegenliebe der Fans in Germany war und blieb ihm gewiss. Es mag daher kein Zufall sein, dass er das einzige Kind, das er mit June Carter gemeinsam hatte, ihren Sohn John Carter Cash quasi in die "Lehre" nach Deutschland schickte, wo ihn Tom Astor mit auf eine ausgedehnte Tournee nahm.
Es muss für Cash deshalb besonders bitter gewesen sein, als ihn seine schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen (zuletzt das "Shy Drager Syndrom") außer Gefecht setzten. Vermehrt zog er sich in seine Häuser im ländlichen Tennessee oder ins klimatisch angenehmere Domizil auf Jamaica zurück. Dennoch entstanden in den letzten Jahren seines Schaffens die vielleicht künstlerisch beeindruckendsten Alben, mit denen er vor allem auch bei einem Publikum (u.a. Studenten, Hochschulabsolventen) großen Zuspruch fand, das bis dahin der Country Music wenig zugeneigt war. Diesen Aufnahmen war zunehmend anzuhören, wie schwer es dem Künstler fiel und wie sehr ihm diese Songs am Herzen lagen. Für die "American Recordings" fand Cash in Rick Rubin den genau passenden Produzenten, mit dem er sein vielleicht beeindruckendes künstlerisches Vermächtnis realisieren konnte.
Welchen Stellenwert Johnny Cash einnimmt, mag man daran ablesen, dass er in der Rangliste der verstorbenen Künstler, mit denen immer noch der meiste Umsatz gemacht wird, in den Top Ten steht. In Deutschland erschien seine Biographie als Hörbuch, gelesen von Peter Lohmeyer, auch ein Indiz für seine Popularität. Auch die Biografie von Steve Turner "Ein Mann namens Cash" wurde ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Dass eine Legende wie Johnny Cash mit einer solchen Vita ein wie für das Kino gemachter Stoff ist, versteht sich von selbst. So verwunderte es nicht, dass man unter dem Titel "Walk The Line" sein Leben verfilmte mit Joaquin Phoenix und Reese Witherspoon in den Hauptrollen. John Carter Cash war in das Projekt maßgeblich involviert.
Man darf sicher sein, dass Johnny Cash auch weiterhin auf unabsehbare Zeit zu den Lieblingen in Deutschland gehören wird, nicht nur bei den Country Fans.
Anmerkung: Johnny Cash hatte zwei prominente Ex-Schwiegersöhne: Rodney Crowell war einige Jahre mit Rosanne Cash verheiratet, die ihrerseits eine sehr erfolgreiche Karriere als Sängerin mit zahlreichen Hits startet und Marty Stuart , das ehemalige "Wunderkind" der Country Music, gehörte nicht nur etliche Jahre zur Band von Johnny Cash sondern war auch mit Cindy Cash verheiratet. Heute ist Stuart übrigens mit Kollegin und Opry-Star wie er selbst, Connie Smith verheiratet. Man mag daran erkennen - die privaten Querverbindungen der Familien Cash - Carter sind einigermaßen kompliziert.
Die letzte Studioaufnahme von Johnny Cash entstand kurz vor seinem Tode. Er nahm für das Album "Bitter Harvest" mit seinem Sohn John Carter Cash das Duett "The Way-Worn Traveler" auf.
Charts (Album)
Charts (Single)
Film- und TV-Auftritte
Cover | Jahr | Album |
2016 | Koncert v Praze (In Prague-Live) (Legacy / Columbia Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2014 | Out Among The Stars (Legacy / Columbia Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2011 | Complete Columbia Collection (Legacy / Columbia Nashville) | ||
2011 | Bootleg 2: From Memphis to Hollywood (Legacy / Columbia Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2010 | American Recordings VI - Ain't No Grave (Mercury) | CD Besprechung | |
2009 | Johnny Cash's America: Red, White & Black (Columbia) | CD Besprechung | |
2008 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison (Legacy Edition) (Columbia) | CD Besprechung | |
2008 | The Gospel Music Of Johnny Cash (EMI) | CD Besprechung |
2008 | At Osteraker Prison (Columbia) | CD Besprechung | |
2008 | The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show (Columbia) | CD Besprechung | |
2007 | Wanted - The Original Outlaws (Hallmark) | ||
2007 | The Great Lost Performances (Island Records) | CD-Besprechung | |
2007 | Ultimate Gospel (Columbia Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2007 | Ring Of Fire: The Legend Of Johnny Cash Vol.2 (USM) | CD Besprechung | |
2006 | Live At St. Quentin (Legacy Edition) (Columbia Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2006 | American Recordings V: A Hundred Highways (American) | CD Besprechung 1x(USA) |
2006 | The Colour Collection (USM) | CD Besprechung | |
2006 | The Johnny Cash Children's Album (Columbia) | CD Besprechung | |
2006 | Personal File (Legacy) | CD Besprechung | |
2005 | Ring Of Fire: The Legend of Johnny Cash (Mercury) | CD Besprechung 2x (USA) |
2005 | The Legend of Johnny Cash (Island/American/Columbia/Legacy) | 2x (USA) | |
2005 | The Legend of Johny Cash (Box Set) (Sony BMG) |
CD Besprechung |
2005 | Johnny Cash Live: Good Evenin' Asbury Park (Hyena) | ||
2005 | Live from Austin, TX (New West) | ||
2004 | Unearthed (Box-Set / 5 CDs) (Lost Highway) | 1x(USA) | |
2004 | My Mother's Hymn Book (American) | ||
2002 | American Recordings IV: The Man Comes Around (American) | 1x (USA) | |
2000 | American Recordings III: Solitary Man (American) | ||
1998 | VH1 Storytellers (live) (Columbia) | ||
1996 | American Recordings II: Unchained (American) | ||
1994 | American Recordings (American) | ||
1990 | The Mystery of Life (Mercury) | ||
1989 | Boom Chicka Boom (Mercury) | ||
1988 | Water from the Wells of Home (Mercury) | ||
1987 | Johnny Cash Is Coming to Town (Mercury) | ||
1986 | Heroes (Razor & Tie) | ||
1986 | Believe in Him (Word Entertainment) | ||
1985 | Rainbow (Columbia) | ||
1982 | Survivors Live (Razor & Tie) | ||
1982 | Inside a Swedish Prison (live) (Bear Family) | ||
1982 | Adventures of Johnny Cash (Columbia) | ||
1981 | The Baron (Columbia) | ||
1980 | Rockabilly Blues (Columbia) | ||
1980 | Classic Christmas (Columbia) | ||
1980 | A Believer Sings the Truth (Columbia) | ||
1979 | Silver (Columbia) | ||
1979 | A Boy Named Sue (Columbia) | ||
1978 | Gone Girl (Columbia) | ||
1978 | I Would Like to See You Again (Columbia) | ||
1977 | Last Gunfighter Ballad (Columbia) | ||
1977 | The Rambler (Columbia) | ||
1976 | Destination Victoria Station (Columbia) | ||
1976 | One Piece at a Time (Columbia) | ||
1976 | Strawberry Cake (Columbia) | ||
1975 | Children's Album (Columbia) | ||
1975 | Look at Them Beans (Columbia) | ||
1975 | Riding the Rails (Columbia) | ||
1975 | Cash sings Precious Memories (Columbia) | ||
1974 | At Osteraker Prison (live) (Columbia) | ||
1974 | John R. Cash (Columbia) | ||
1974 | Junkie and the Juicehead Minus Me (Columbia) | ||
1974 | Ragged Old Flag (Columbia) | ||
1973 | Any Old Wind That Blows (Columbia) | ||
1973 | Country & Western Superstar (Columbia) | ||
1973 | Johnny Cash and His Woman (Columbia) | ||
1973 | The Gospel Road Pt. 1 (Soundtrack) (Columbia) | ||
1973 | The Gospel Road Pt. 2 (Soundtrack) (Columbia) | ||
1972 | A Thing Called Love (Columbia) | ||
1972 | America: A 200-Year Salute in Story and Song (Columbia) | ||
1972 | Christmas & The Cash Family (Columbia) | ||
1972 | Family Christmas (Columbia) | ||
1972 | Johnny Cash Family Christmas (Sony Special Products) | ||
1971 | A Man in Black (Columbia) | ||
1970 | Johnny Cash Show (Columbia) | ||
1970 | Little Fauss and Big Halsy (Original Soundtrack) (Columbia) | ||
1969 | Cash at San Quentin (live) (Columbia) | 3x (USA) | |
1969 | Grand Canyon Suite (Columbia) | ||
1969 | Hello, I'm Johnny Cash (Columbia) | 1x(USA) | |
1969 | Jackson (Columbia) | ||
1969 | Johnny Cash (Columbia) | ||
1969 | More of Old Golden Throat (Columbia) | ||
1968 | Cash at Folsom Prison (live) (Columbia) | 3x (USA) | |
1968 | From Sea to Shining Sea (Columbia) | ||
1968 | Heart of Cash (Columbia Special Products) | ||
1968 | Old Golden Throat (Columbia) | ||
1967 | Carryin' On (Columbia) | ||
1966 | Everybody Loves a Nut (Columbia) | ||
1966 | Happiness Is You (Columbia) | ||
1966 | That's What You Get for Loving Me (Columbia) | ||
1965 | Ballads of the True West 2 (Columbia) | ||
1965 | Orange Blossom Special (Columbia) | ||
1965 | Sings the Ballads of the True West (Columbia) | ||
1964 | Bitter Tears (Ballads of the American Indian) (Columbia/Legacy) | ||
1964 | I Walk the Line (Columbia) | 1x(USA) | |
1964 | Keep on the Sunnyside (Columbia) | ||
1963 | Blood Sweat & Tears (Columbia/Legacy) | ||
1963 | The Christmas Spirit (Columbia) | ||
1962 | All Aboard the Blue Train (Sun) | ||
1962 | Hymns from the Heart (Columbia) | ||
1962 | The Sound of Johnny Cash (Columbia) | ||
1961 | Now Here's Johnny Cash (Sun) | ||
1961 | The Lure of the Grand Canyon (Columbia) | ||
1960 | Now, There Was a Song! (Columbia/Legacy) | ||
1960 | Ride This Train (Columbia) | ||
1959 | Greatest! (Sun) | ||
1959 | Hymns By Johnny Cash (Columbia) | ||
1959 | Songs of Our Soil (Columbia) | ||
1958 | Cash sings the Songs That Made Him Famous (Sun) | ||
1958 | The Fabulous Johnny Cash (Columbia) | ||
1957 | Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar (Sun) | ||
Cover | Jahr | Album |
2007 | The Gospel Music Of Johnny Cash (Gaither Television (EMI)) | ||
2007 | The Best of Johnny Cash TV Show (Sony BMG Music Entertainment) |
DVD-Besprechung |
2006 | Live In Denmark (Columbia) | DVD-Besprechung | |
2006 | Live In Ireland (Universal Music) | DVD-Besprechung | |
2006 |
CMT presents: American Revolutions (Capitol Nashville) |
2006 | The Beast In Me (High Planet Entertainment) | ||
2006 | Highwaymen: Live (Sony BMG) | ||
2005 | Johnny Cash The Man in Black: A Documentary (Edi Video) | ||
2005 | Live at Montreux 1994 | 2x(USA) | |
2005 | Singing At His Best | ||
2005 |
Greatest Hits (Live) | ||
2005 | Live from Austin, TX (New West) | 1x(USA) | |
2003 | Johnny Cash presents a Concert Behind Prison Walls | ||
2003 | At The Town Hall Party | ||
2002 | Johnny Cash - The Man, His World, His Music | 1x(USA) | |
2002 | An Anthology Of The Man In Black | ||
2000 | The Man In Black - The Early Years | ||
Jahr | Album | Chart |
Höchste Platzierung
2014 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
2014 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | Top Pop Catalog | 1 |
2012 | 16 Biggest Hits | The Billboard 200 | 133 |
2012 | 16 Biggest Hits | Top Pop Catalog | 1 |
2012 | Best Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 196 |
2012 | Best Of Johnny Cash | Top Pop Catalog | 36 |
2012 | Christmas With Johnny Cash | Top Holiday Albums | 34 |
2012 | Icon: Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 45 |
2012 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | The Billboard 200 | 13 |
2012 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | Top Pop Catalog | 2 |
2012 | Opus Collection: Commemorating The 80th Anniversay Of The Birth Of | Country Albums | 6 |
2012 | Opus Collection: Commemorating The 80th Anniversay Of The Birth Of | Country Albums | 6 |
2012 | Opus Collection: Commemorating The 80th Anniversay Of The Birth Of | The Billboard 200 | 28 |
2012 | Super Hits | The Billboard 200 | 166 |
2012 | Super Hits | Top Pop Catalog | 5 |
2012 | The Greatest: Duets | Country Albums | 71 |
2012 | The Greatest: The Number Ones | Country Albums | 28 |
2012 | The Greatest: The Number Ones | The Billboard 200 | 125 |
2012 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
2012 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | Top Pop Catalog | 2 |
2012 | The Soul Of Truth: Bootleg Vol IV | Country Albums | 41 |
2012 | The Soul Of Truth: Bootleg Vol IV | Country Albums | 41 |
2012 | VH1 Storytellers | The Billboard 200 | 56 |
2012 | VH1 Storytellers | Top Pop Catalog | 2 |
2011 | Best Of Johnny Cash | Top Pop Catalog | 36 |
2011 | Bootleg Vol III: Live Around The World | Country Albums | 42 |
2011 | Bootleg Vol III: Live Around The World | Country Albums | 42 |
2011 | Bootleg Volume II: From Memphis To Hollywood | Country Albums | 33 |
2011 | Icon: Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 45 |
2011 | Super Hits | Top Pop Catalog | 5 |
2011 | The Essential Johnny Cash | Top Pop Catalog | 3 |
2011 | VH1 Storytellers | Top Pop Catalog | 2 |
2010 | American VI: Ain't No Grave | Country Albums | 2 |
2010 | American VI: Ain't No Grave | European Top 100 Albums | |
2010 | AMERICAN VI: AIN'T NO GRAVE | Germany Albums | |
2010 | American VI: Ain't No Grave | The Billboard 200 | 3 |
2010 | American VI: Ain't No Grave | Top Canadian Albums | 4 |
2010 | American VI: Ain't No Grave | Top Digital Albums | 1 |
2010 | American VI: Aint No Grave | European Top 100 Albums | |
2010 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | Top Pop Catalog | 2 |
2009 | Johnny Cash Remixed | Country Albums | 65 |
2009 | Johnny Cash Remixed | Top Electronic Albums | 20 |
2008 | Johnny Cash's America (Johnny Cash) | Top Soundtracks | 16 |
2008 | Johnny Cash's America (Soundtrack) | Country Albums | 50 |
2008 | Playlist: The Very Best Of Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 37 |
2008 | The Gospel Music Of Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 56 |
2008 | The Gospel Music Of Johnny Cash | Top Christian Albums | 21 |
2007 | At San Quentin | European Top 100 Albums | |
2007 | Cash: Ultimate Gospel | Country Albums | 34 |
2007 | Cash: Ultimate Gospel | The Billboard 200 | 184 |
2007 | Cash: Ultimate Gospel | Top Christian Albums | 13 |
2007 | Forever Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 58 |
2007 | JC: Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 26 |
2007 | JC: Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 109 |
2007 | JC: Johnny Cash | Top Independent Albums | 8 |
2007 | The Great Lost Performance | Country Albums | 60 |
2006 | 16 Biggest Hits | Country Albums | 26 |
2006 | 16 Biggest Hits | The Billboard 200 | 126 |
2006 | American V - A Hundred Highways | European Top 100 Albums | |
2006 | American V: A Hundred Highways | Country Albums | 1 |
2006 | American V: A Hundred Highways | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
2006 | American V: A Hundred Highways | Top Canadian Albums | 4 |
2006 | American V: A Hundred Highways | Top Internet Albums | 1 |
2006 | Country Christmas | Country Albums | 52 |
2006 | Country Christmas | Top Independent Albums | 26 |
2006 | Country Legends | Country Albums | 44 |
2006 | Country Legends | Top Independent Albums | 27 |
2006 | Country Legends: I Walk The Line | Country Albums | 44 |
2006 | Country Legends: I Walk The Line | Top Independent Albums | 26 |
2006 | Golden Legends: Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 70 |
2006 | Legend | Country Albums | 31 |
2006 | Legend Of Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 2 |
2006 | Legend Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
2006 | Legend Of Johnny Cash | Top Canadian Albums | 6 |
2006 | Personal File | Country Albums | 22 |
2006 | Personal File | European Top 100 Albums | |
2006 | Personal File | The Billboard 200 | 108 |
2006 | Personal File | Top Christian Albums | 4 |
2006 | Ring Of Fire - The Legend Of | European Top 100 Albums | |
2006 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | Top Canadian Albums | 5 |
2006 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash: Vol. II | Country Albums | 28 |
2006 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash: Vol. II | The Billboard 200 | 144 |
2006 | Walking The Line - Legendary Sun | European Top 100 Albums | |
2005 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | Top Internet Albums | |
2005 | The Complete Sun Recordings 1955-1958 | Country Albums | 52 |
2005 | The Legend | Country Albums | 31 |
2005 | The Legend | The Billboard 200 | 173 |
2005 | The Legend | Top Internet Albums | |
2005 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 2 |
2005 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
2005 | Walking The Line: The Legendary Sun Recordings | Country Albums | 66 |
2005 | Walking The Line: The Legendary Sun Recordings | Top Independent Albums | 46 |
2004 | Cash Unearthed | Country Albums | 33 |
2004 | Cash Unearthed | Top Internet Albums | 282 |
2004 | Christmas With Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 58 |
2004 | Essential Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 16 |
2004 | My Mother's Hymn Book | Country Albums | 27 |
2004 | My Mother's Hymn Book | The Billboard 200 | 194 |
2004 | My Mother's Hymn Book | Top Christian Albums | 9 |
2003 | American III: Solitary Man | Top Internet Albums | |
2003 | American Recordings | Top Internet Albums | |
2003 | Johnny Cash Sings His Best: 40 Original Hits | Country Albums | 71 |
2003 | The Best Of Johnny Cash: 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection | Country Albums | 47 |
2003 | The Essential Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 102 |
2003 | The Essential Johnny Cash | Top Internet Albums | |
2003 | The Heart Of A Legend | Country Albums | 49 |
2003 | The Heart Of A Legend | Top Independent Albums | 33 |
2003 | The Legend Of Johnny Cash: First Original Hits | Country Albums | 66 |
2002 | American IV: The Man Comes Around | Country Albums | 2 |
2002 | American IV: The Man Comes Around | The Billboard 200 | 22 |
2002 | American IV: The Man Comes Around | Top Internet Albums | 30 |
2002 | Johnny Cash At Madison Square Garden | Country Albums | 39 |
2002 | The Essential Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 16 |
2000 | American III: Solitary Man | Country Albums | 11 |
2000 | American III: Solitary Man | The Billboard 200 | 88 |
2000 | Love God Murder | Country Albums | 67 |
1999 | 16 Biggest Hits | Country Albums | 18 |
1999 | 16 Biggest Hits | The Billboard 200 | 185 |
1999 | Hits | Country Albums | 75 |
1999 | The Man In Black - His Greatest Hits | Country Albums | 63 |
1998 | VH1 Storytellers | Country Albums | 25 |
1998 | VH1 Storytellers | The Billboard 200 | 56 |
1996 | Unchained | Country Albums | 26 |
1996 | Unchained | The Billboard 200 | 170 |
1994 | American Recordings | Country Albums | 23 |
1994 | American Recordings | The Billboard 200 | 110 |
1991 | Johnny Cash Patriot | Country Albums | 67 |
1991 | The Mystery Of Life | Country Albums | 70 |
1989 | Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 48 |
1988 | Water From The Wells Of Home | Country Albums | 48 |
1987 | Johnny Cash Is Coming To Town | Country Albums | 36 |
1986 | Heroes | Country Albums | 14 |
1981 | The Baron | Country Albums | 24 |
1980 | A Believer Sings The Truth | Country Albums | 43 |
1979 | Greatest Hits - Volume 3 | Country Albums | 49 |
1979 | Silver | Country Albums | 28 |
1978 | I Would Like To See You Again | Country Albums | 23 |
1977 | The Last Gunfighter Ballad | Country Albums | 29 |
1977 | The Rambler | Country Albums | 31 |
1976 | One Piece At A Time | Country Albums | 2 |
1976 | One Piece At A Time | The Billboard 200 | 185 |
1976 | Strawberry Cake | Country Albums | 33 |
1975 | Look At Them Beans | Country Albums | 38 |
1974 | Five Feet High And Rising (A Cash Country Collection) | Country Albums | 33 |
1974 | Ragged Old Flag | Country Albums | 16 |
1974 | The Junkie And The Juicehead Minus Me | Country Albums | 48 |
1973 | Any Old Wind That Blows | Country Albums | 5 |
1973 | Any Old Wind That Blows | The Billboard 200 | 188 |
1973 | Johnny Cash And His Woman | Country Albums | 32 |
1973 | Sunday Morning Coming Down | Country Albums | 35 |
1973 | The Gospel Road | Country Albums | 12 |
1972 | A Thing Called Love | Country Albums | 2 |
1972 | A Thing Called Love | The Billboard 200 | 112 |
1972 | Johnny Cash: America (A 200-Year Salute In Story And Song) | Country Albums | 3 |
1972 | Johnny Cash: America (A 200-Year Salute In Story And Song) | The Billboard 200 | 176 |
1972 | The Johnny Cash Songbook | Country Albums | 43 |
1971 | Man In Black | Country Albums | 1 |
1971 | Man In Black | The Billboard 200 | 56 |
1971 | The Johnny Cash Collection (His Greatest Hits, Volume II) | Country Albums | 5 |
1971 | The Johnny Cash Collection (His Greatest Hits, Volume II) | The Billboard 200 | 94 |
1970 | Hello, I'm Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 1 |
1970 | Hello, I'm Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 6 |
1970 | Showtime | Country Albums | 14 |
1970 | Showtime | The Billboard 200 | 181 |
1970 | Story Songs Of The Trains And Rivers | Country Albums | 2 |
1970 | The Johnny Cash Show | Country Albums | 1 |
1970 | The Johnny Cash Show | The Billboard 200 | 44 |
1970 | The Singing Story Teller | Country Albums | 45 |
1970 | The Singing Story Teller | The Billboard 200 | 186 |
1970 | The World Of Johnny Cash | Country Albums | 2 |
1970 | The World Of Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 54 |
1969 | Get Rhythm | Country Albums | 30 |
1969 | Get Rhythm | The Billboard 200 | 164 |
1969 | Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 186 |
1969 | Johnny Cash At San Quentin | Country Albums | 1 |
1969 | Johnny Cash At San Quentin | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
1969 | Johnny Cash's Greatest Hits, Volume 1 | The Billboard 200 | 82 |
1969 | Original Golden Hits, Volume I | Country Albums | 4 |
1969 | Original Golden Hits, Volume I | The Billboard 200 | 95 |
1969 | Original Golden Hits, Volume II | Country Albums | 3 |
1969 | Original Golden Hits, Volume II | The Billboard 200 | 98 |
1969 | Story Songs Of The Trains And Rivers | The Billboard 200 | 197 |
1969 | The Christmas Spirit | The Billboard 200 | 7 |
1969 | The Holy Land | Country Albums | 6 |
1969 | The Holy Land | The Billboard 200 | 54 |
1968 | From Sea To Shining Sea | Country Albums | 9 |
1968 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | Country Albums | 1 |
1968 | Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison | The Billboard 200 | 13 |
1967 | Carryin' On With Johnny Cash & June Carter | Country Albums | 5 |
1967 | Carryin' On With Johnny Cash & June Carter | The Billboard 200 | 194 |
1967 | Happiness Is You | Country Albums | 10 |
1967 | Johnny Cash's Greatest Hits, Volume 1 | Country Albums | 1 |
1966 | Everybody Loves A Nut | Country Albums | 5 |
1966 | Everybody Loves A Nut | The Billboard 200 | 88 |
1966 | Mean As Hell! (Ballads From The True West) | Country Albums | 4 |
1965 | Bitter Tears (Ballads of The American Indian) | Country Albums | 2 |
1965 | Orange Blossom Special | Country Albums | 3 |
1965 | Orange Blossom Special | The Billboard 200 | 49 |
1964 | Bitter Tears (Ballads of The American Indian) | The Billboard 200 | 47 |
1964 | I Walk The Line | Country Albums | 1 |
1964 | I Walk The Line | The Billboard 200 | 53 |
1964 | Ring Of Fire (The Best Of Johnny Cash) | Country Albums | 1 |
1963 | Blood, Sweat & Tears | The Billboard 200 | 80 |
1963 | Ring Of Fire (The Best Of Johnny Cash) | The Billboard 200 | 26 |
1958 | The Fabulous Johnny Cash | The Billboard 200 | 19 |
Jahr | Single | Chart |
Höchste Platzierung
2012 | Hurt | Hot Digital Songs | 69 |
2006 | I Walk The Line | Hot Ringtones | 19 |
2005 | Folsom Prison Blues | Hot Digital Songs | 36 |
2005 | Hurt | Hot Digital Songs | 34 |
2005 | I Walk The Line | Hot Digital Songs | 30 |
2005 | Ring Of Fire | Hot Digital Songs | 18 |
2003 | Hurt | Country Singles | 56 |
2003 | Hurt | Modern Rock Tracks | 33 |
1990 | Goin By The Book | Country Singles | 69 |
1988 | That Old Wheel | Country Singles | 21 |
1988 | W. Lee O Daniel (And The Light Crust Dough Boys) | Country Singles | 72 |
1987 | The Night Hank Williams Came To Town | Country Singles | 43 |
1986 | Even Cowgirls Get The Blues | Country Singles | 35 |
1984 | The Chicken In Black | Country Singles | 45 |
1983 | I'm Ragged But I'm Right | Country Singles | 75 |
1983 | We Must Believe In Magic | Country Singles | 84 |
1982 | Chattanooga City Limit Sign | Country Singles | 71 |
1982 | Georgia On A Fast Train | Country Singles | 55 |
1982 | The General Lee | Country Singles | 26 |
1982 | The Reverend Mr. Black | Country Singles | 71 |
1981 | Mobile Bay | Country Singles | 60 |
1981 | The Baron | Country Singles | 10 |
1981 | Without Love | Country Singles | 78 |
1980 | Bull Rider | Country Singles | 66 |
1980 | Cold Lonesome Morning | Country Singles | 53 |
1980 | I Wish I Was Crazy Again | Country Singles | 22 |
1980 | Song Of The Patriot | Country Singles | 54 |
1980 | The Last Time | Country Singles | 85 |
1979 | (Ghost) Riders In The Sky | Country Singles | 2 |
1979 | I Will Rock And Roll With You | Country Singles | 21 |
1979 | I'll Say It's True | Country Singles | 42 |
1978 | Gone Girl | Country Singles | 44 |
1978 | I Would Like To See You Again | Country Singles | 12 |
1978 | It'll Be Her | Country Singles | 89 |
1978 | There Ain't No Good Chain Gang | Country Singles | 2 |
1977 | After The Ball | Country Singles | 32 |
1977 | Lady | Country Singles | 46 |
1977 | Old Time Feeling | Country Singles | 26 |
1977 | The Last Gunfighter Ballad | Country Singles | 38 |
1976 | It's All Over | Country Singles | 41 |
1976 | One Piece At A Time | Adult Contemporary | 6 |
1976 | One Piece At A Time | Country Singles | 1 |
1976 | One Piece At A Time | The Billboard Hot 100 | 29 |
1976 | Sold Out Of Flagpoles | Country Singles | 29 |
1976 | Strawberry Cake | Country Singles | 54 |
1976 | Texas - 1947 | Country Singles | 35 |
1975 | Lady Came From Baltimore | Country Singles | 14 |
1975 | Look At Them Beans | Country Singles | 17 |
1975 | My Old Kentucky Home (Turpentine And Dandelion Wine) | Country Singles | 42 |
1974 | Orleans Parish Prison | Country Singles | 52 |
1974 | Pick The Wildwood Flower | Country Singles | 34 |
1974 | Ragged Old Flag | Country Singles | 31 |
1973 | Allegheny | Country Singles | 69 |
1973 | Any Old Wind That Blows | Country Singles | 3 |
1973 | Children | Country Singles | 30 |
1973 | Praise The Lord And Pass The Soup | Country Singles | 57 |
1973 | The Loving Gift | Country Singles | 27 |
1972 | A Thing Called Love | Country Singles | 2 |
1972 | If I Had A Hammer | Country Singles | 29 |
1972 | Kate | Country Singles | 2 |
1972 | Kate | The Billboard Hot 100 | 75 |
1972 | Oney | Country Singles | 2 |
1972 | The World Needs A Melody | Country Singles | 35 |
1971 | Flesh And Blood | Country Singles | 1 |
1971 | Flesh And Blood | The Billboard Hot 100 | 54 |
1971 | Man In Black | Country Singles | 3 |
1971 | Man In Black | The Billboard Hot 100 | 58 |
1971 | No Need To Worry | Country Singles | 15 |
1971 | Papa Was A Good Man | Country Singles | 16 |
1971 | Singing In Viet Nam Talking Blues | Country Singles | 18 |
1970 | If I Were A Carpenter | Country Singles | 2 |
1970 | If I Were A Carpenter | The Billboard Hot 100 | 36 |
1970 | Rock Island Line | Country Singles | 35 |
1970 | Rock Island Line | The Billboard Hot 100 | 93 |
1970 | Sunday Morning Coming Down | Country Singles | 1 |
1970 | Sunday Morning Coming Down | The Billboard Hot 100 | 46 |
1970 | What Is Truth | Adult Contemporary | 4 |
1970 | What Is Truth | Country Singles | 3 |
1970 | What Is Truth | The Billboard Hot 100 | 19 |
1969 | A Boy Named Sue | Adult Contemporary | 1 |
1969 | A Boy Named Sue | Country Singles | 1 |
1969 | A Boy Named Sue | The Billboard Hot 100 | 2 |
1969 | Blistered | Country Singles | 4 |
1969 | Blistered | The Billboard Hot 100 | 50 |
1969 | Daddy Sang Bass | Country Singles | 1 |
1969 | Daddy Sang Bass | The Billboard Hot 100 | 42 |
1969 | Get Rhythm | The Billboard Hot 100 | 60 |
1969 | See Ruby Fall | Country Singles | 4 |
1969 | See Ruby Fall | The Billboard Hot 100 | 75 |
1968 | Folsom Prison Blues | Country Singles | 1 |
1968 | Folsom Prison Blues | The Billboard Hot 100 | 32 |
1968 | Rosanna's Going Wild | Country Singles | 2 |
1968 | Rosanna's Going Wild | The Billboard Hot 100 | 91 |
1967 | Jackson | Country Singles | 2 |
1967 | Long-Legged Guitar Pickin' Man | Country Singles | 6 |
1967 | The Wind Changes | Country Singles | 60 |
1967 | You Beat All I Ever Saw | Country Singles | 20 |
1966 | Boa Constrictor | Country Singles | 39 |
1966 | Everybody Loves A Nut | Country Singles | 17 |
1966 | Everybody Loves A Nut | The Billboard Hot 100 | 96 |
1966 | Happy To Be With You | Country Singles | 9 |
1966 | The One On The Right Is On The Left | Country Singles | 2 |
1966 | The One On The Right Is On The Left | The Billboard Hot 100 | 46 |
1965 | It Ain't Me, Babe | Country Singles | 4 |
1965 | Mister Garfield | Country Singles | 15 |
1965 | Orange Blossom Special | Country Singles | 3 |
1965 | Orange Blossom Special | The Billboard Hot 100 | 80 |
1965 | The Sons Of Katie Elder | Country Singles | 10 |
1964 | Bad News | Country Singles | 8 |
1964 | Dark As A Dungeon | Country Singles | 49 |
1964 | It Ain't Me, Babe | The Billboard Hot 100 | 58 |
1964 | The Ballad Of Ira Hayes | Country Singles | 3 |
1964 | Understand Your Man | Country Singles | 1 |
1964 | Understand Your Man | The Billboard Hot 100 | 35 |
1963 | Busted | Country Singles | 13 |
1963 | Ring Of Fire | Country Singles | 1 |
1963 | Ring Of Fire | The Billboard Hot 100 | 17 |
1963 | The Matador | Country Singles | 2 |
1963 | The Matador | The Billboard Hot 100 | 44 |
1962 | Bonanza! | The Billboard Hot 100 | 94 |
1962 | In The Jailhouse Now | Country Singles | 8 |
1962 | Tennessee Flat-Top Box | Country Singles | 11 |
1962 | The Big Battle | Country Singles | 24 |
1961 | Oh Lonesome Me | Country Singles | 13 |
1961 | Oh Lonesome Me | The Billboard Hot 100 | 93 |
1961 | Tennessee Flat-Top Box | The Billboard Hot 100 | 84 |
1961 | The Rebel - Johnny Yuma | Country Singles | 24 |
1960 | Down The Street To 301 | The Billboard Hot 100 | 85 |
1960 | Honky-Tonk Girl | The Billboard Hot 100 | 92 |
1960 | I Love You Because | Country Singles | 20 |
1960 | Mean Eyed Cat | Country Singles | 30 |
1960 | Seasons Of My Heart | Country Singles | 10 |
1960 | Second Honeymoon | Country Singles | 15 |
1960 | Second Honeymoon | The Billboard Hot 100 | 79 |
1960 | Smiling Bill McCall | Country Singles | 13 |
1960 | Straight A's In Love | Country Singles | 16 |
1960 | Straight A's In Love | The Billboard Hot 100 | 84 |
1959 | Don't Take Your Guns To Town | Country Singles | 1 |
1959 | Don't Take Your Guns To Town | The Billboard Hot 100 | 32 |
1959 | Five Feet High And Rising | Country Singles | 14 |
1959 | Five Feet High And Rising | The Billboard Hot 100 | 76 |
1959 | Frankie's Man, Johnny | Country Singles | 9 |
1959 | Frankie's Man, Johnny | The Billboard Hot 100 | 57 |
1959 | Goodbye Little Darlin' | Country Singles | 22 |
1959 | I Got Stripes | Country Singles | 4 |
1959 | I Got Stripes | The Billboard Hot 100 | 43 |
1959 | It's Just About Time | Country Singles | 30 |
1959 | It's Just About Time | The Billboard Hot 100 | 47 |
1959 | Katy Too | Country Singles | 11 |
1959 | Katy Too | The Billboard Hot 100 | 66 |
1959 | Luther Played The Boogie | Country Singles | 8 |
1959 | Thanks A Lot | Country Singles | 12 |
1959 | The Little Drummer Boy | Country Singles | 24 |
1959 | The Little Drummer Boy | The Billboard Hot 100 | 63 |
1959 | You Dreamer You | Country Singles | 13 |
1958 | All Over Again | Country Singles | 4 |
1958 | All Over Again | The Billboard Hot 100 | 38 |
1958 | Ballad Of A Teenage Queen | Country Singles | 1 |
1958 | Ballad Of A Teenage Queen | The Billboard Hot 100 | 14 |
1958 | Big River | Country Singles | 4 |
1958 | Big River | The Billboard Hot 100 | 14 |
1958 | Come In Stranger | Country Singles | 6 |
1958 | Come In Stranger | The Billboard Hot 100 | 66 |
1958 | Guess Things Happen That Way | Country Singles | 1 |
1958 | Guess Things Happen That Way | The Billboard Hot 100 | 11 |
1958 | I Just Thought You'd Like To Know | The Billboard Hot 100 | 85 |
1958 | The Ways Of A Woman In Love | Country Singles | 2 |
1958 | The Ways Of A Woman In Love | The Billboard Hot 100 | 24 |
1958 | What Do I Care | Country Singles | 7 |
1958 | What Do I Care | The Billboard Hot 100 | 52 |
1958 | You're The Nearest Thing To Heaven | Country Singles | 5 |
1958 | You're The Nearest Thing To Heaven | The Billboard Hot 100 | 24 |
1957 | Don't Make Me Go | Country Singles | 9 |
1957 | Give My Love To Rose | Country Singles | 13 |
1957 | Home Of The Blues | Country Singles | 3 |
1957 | Home Of The Blues | The Billboard Hot 100 | 88 |
1957 | Next In Line | Country Singles | 9 |
1957 | Next In Line | The Billboard Hot 100 | 99 |
1957 | There You Go | Country Singles | 1 |
1957 | Train Of Love | Country Singles | 7 |
1956 | Get Rhythm | Country Singles | 1 |
1956 | I Walk The Line | Country Singles | 1 |
1956 | I Walk The Line | The Billboard Hot 100 | 17 |
1956 | So Doggone Lonesome | Country Singles | 4 |
1955 | Cry! Cry! Cry! | Country Singles | 14 |
Jahr | Rolle | Film/Serie |
2003 | Erzähler (nur Stimme) | "The Hunted" |
1998 | Johnny | "All My Friends Are Cowboys" |
1998 | Davy Crocket | "Davy Crockett: Rainbow in the Thunder" |
1997 | Kid Cole | "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", Episode: "The Most Fatal Disease" |
1997 | Coyote (Stimme) | "The Simpsons" Episode: "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer" |
1996 | Henry Travis | "Renegade", Episode: "The Road Not Taken" |
1995 | Auftritt | "Die Peter Alexander Show" |
1994 | Kid Cole | "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", Episode: "Thanksgiving" |
1993 | Kid Cole | "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", Episode: "Saving Souls" |
1993 | Kid Cole | "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", Episode: "Law of the Land" |
1992 | Auftritt | "Die Peter Alexander Show" |
1986 | Marshal Curly Wilcox | "Stagecoach" |
1986 | Frank James | "The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James" |
1985 | John Brown | "North and South" ("Fackeln im Sturm") |
1984 | The Baron | "The Baron and the Kid" |
1984 | Lamar Potts | "Murder in Coweta County" |
1981 | Jesse Hallam | "The Pride of Jesse Hallam" |
1980 | Auftritt | "The Muppet Show" |
1978 | Thaddeus Rose | "Thaddeus Rose and Eddie" |
1976 | Caleb Hodgekiss | "Little House on the Prairie" ("Unsere kleine Farm"), Episode: "The Collection" |
1975 | Sonderkonzert | "Musikladen" |
1975 | Sonderkonzert | "Beat Club" |
1974 | Tommy Brown | "Columbo: Swan Song" ("Columbo: Schwanengesang") |
1971 | Abe Cross | "A Gunfight" ("Gunfight - Rivalen des Todes") |
1962 | Johnny Laredo | "Night Rider" |
1961 | Johnny Cabot | "Door-to-Door Maniac" auch "Five Minutes to Live" |
1961 | Bo Braddock | "The Deputy" playing", Episode: "The Deathly Quiet" |
1960 | ??? | "The Rebel", Episode: "The Death of Gray" |