Nach seinem Highschool-Abschluss in den späten 60er Jahren schrieb sich Strait am College ein, doch er verließ das College sehr bald und brannte mit seiner Highschool-Liebe Norma durch. 1971 ging Strait zur Army und wurde zwei Jahre später auf Hawaii stationiert. Während seiner Zeit auf Hawaii begann er, Countrymusik zu machen, und zwar zunächst in einer von der Army unterstützten Countryband mit dem Namen Rambling Country. Sie hatten außerhalb ihres Stützpunktes mehrere Auftritte unter dem Namen Santee. Strait verließ die Army 1975 und ging zurück nach Texas mit der Absicht, seine Ausbildung abzuschließen. Er schrieb sich an der Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos ein, wo er Landwirtschaft studierte. Während seines Studiums gründete er seine eigene Countryband "Ace in the Hole".
"Ace in the Hole" machte in den späten 70er Jahren ein paar Platten für das Independent-Label "D" aus Dallas, doch blieben sie damit erfolglos. Gegen Ende des Jahrzehnts versuchte Strait in Nashville eine Nische zu schaffen, doch er scheiterte, da er über keine guten Beziehungen verfügte. 1979 freundete er sich mit Erv Woolsey, einem Clubbesitzer aus Texas, an, der früher für MCA Records arbeitete. Woolsey holte mehrere Leute aus dem Management von MCA nach Texas, damit sie sich Strait anhören. Sein Auftritt überzeugte das Unternehmen, sodass sie ihm 1980 einen Vertrag gaben.
"Unwound", Straits erste Single, wurde im Frühjahr 1981 veröffentlicht und kam auf Anhieb in die Top Ten. Die nachfolgende Single "Down and Out" schaffte es nur bis auf Platz 16, doch "If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger (There's One Coming Home)" kam Anfang 1982 auf Platz drei der Top Ten. Der Song war der Auftakt zu einer bemerkenswerten Reihe Top Ten-Hits, die bis in die 90er Jahre reichte. Während dieser Zeit erreichte er die beeindruckende Zahl von 31 Nummer-Eins-Hits, beginnend mit "Fool Hearted Memory" im Jahr 1982.
Während der 80er Jahre beherrschte er die Country Single Charts und seine Alben erreichten permanent Platin oder Gold. Strait wich nur selten vom Hardcore Honky Tonk und vom Western Swing ab. Zu Beginn der 90er wurde sein Sound etwas glatter, doch es war nur eine relativ kleine Veränderung. Strait war einer der wenigen Superstars der 80er Jahre, die den Generationenwechsel der frühen 90er Jahre überlebten, der mit dem phänomenalen Erfolg von Garth Brooks begann. 1992 machte er seinen ersten Film, "Pure Country", mit ihm in der Hauptrolle. 1995 brachte Strait "Strait out of the Box", eine 4er CD-Box mit einem zusammenfassenden Rückblick auf seine Karriere, heraus. Bis zum Frühjahr 1996 wurde sie zu einer der fünf am häufigsten verkauften CD-Sammlungen in der Geschichte der populären Musik. Sein 96er Album "Blue Clear Sky" stieg auf Platz eins der Country Charts und auf Platz sieben der Pop Charts ein. 1997 brachte er "Carrying Your Love with Me" heraus, auf das er 1998 "One Step at a Time" folgen lies. Ein Jahr später erschienen "Always Never the Same" sowie das Weihnachtsalbum "Merry Christmas Wherever You Are". Ende 2000 kam die Platte mit dem schlichten Namen "George Strait" mit der Hit-Single "Go On" in die Regale.
Lies Strait es nun etwas ruhiger angehen? Nein. 2001 erschien "The Road Less Travelled", die für den erfahrenen Künstler als experimentelles Album galt.
Obwohl es gar nicht so weit von seinem neo-traditionalistischen Countrysound entfernt war, enthielt "Road" einen Ausflug in die Stimmverarbeitung, der mit Country so viel gemeinsam hatte, wie ein Paar High Heels mit Cowboystiefeln. Doch das Experiment kam gut an und es zeigte, dass Straits auch nach etlichen Millionen verkaufter Platten immer noch hungrig war. 2003 veröffentlichte Straits zwei Projekte: "For the Last Time: Live from the Astrodome" ist eine Chronik seines großartigen Konzertes auf dem letzten Houston Livestock and Rodeo, das im großen Texas Dome stattfand, während "Honkytonkville" eine feurige Mischung harter Countrysongs war, die von den Kritikern für ihre Mischung des alten Strait mit dem modernen Superstar gelobt wurde. 2005 erschien "Somewhere Down in Texas", gefolgt von "It Just Comes Natural" im Jahr 2006.
2006 wurde Strait in die CountryMusic Hall of Fame aufgenommen.
Charts (Album)
Charts (Single)
Film- und TV-Auftritte
Cover | Jahr | Album | Anmerkung |
2013 | Love Is Everything (MCA Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2011 | Here For A Good Time (MCA Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2009 | Twang (MCA Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2008 | Troubadour (MCA Nashville) | CD Besprechung (USA) |
2007 | 22 More Hits (MCA Nashville) | (USA) | |
2007 | Live At Texas Stadium (mit Alan Jackson und Jimmy Buffet)(MCA Nashville) | CD Besprechung | |
2006 | Fresh Cut Christmas (Hallmark) | 1x(USA) | |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural (MCA Nashville) | CD-Besprechung |
2006 | Strait Hits (Wrasse Records) | ||
2005 | Somewhere Down in Texas (MCA Nashville) | CD-Besprechung |
2004 | 50 Number Ones (MCA Nashville) | CD-Besprechung |
2003 | 20th Century Masters - The Christmas Collection (MCA Nashville) | ||
2003 | For the Last Time: Live From the Astrodome (MCA Nashville) | CD-Besprechung |
2003 | Honkytonkville (MCA Nashville) | CD-Besprechung |
2002 | 20th Century Masters: The Best of George Strait - The Millennium Collection (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
2001 | The Road Less Traveled (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
2000 | George Strait (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
2000 | Latest Greatest Straitest Hits (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1999 | Merry Christmas Wherever You Are (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1999 | Always Never the Same (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1998 | One Step at a Time (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1998 | Pure Strait (MCA Nashville) | Limited Edition |
1997 | Carrying Your Love With Me (MCA Nashville) | 3x(USA) | |
1996 | Blue Clear Sky (MCA Nashville) | 3x(USA) | |
1995 | Strait Out of the Box - Box Set (MCA Nashville) | 8x(USA) | |
1994 | Lead On (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1993 | Easy Come, Easy Go (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1992 | Pure Country - Soundtrack (MCA Nashville) | 6x(USA) | |
1992 | Holding My Own (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1991 | Ten Strait Hits (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1991 | Chill Of An Early Fall (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1990 | Livin' It Up (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1989 | Beyond the Blue Neon (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1988 | If You Ain't Lovin', You Ain't Livin' (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1987 | Greatest Hits Volume Two (MCA Nashville) | 3x(USA) | |
1987 | Ocean Front Property (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1986 | Merry Christmas Strait To You (MCA Nashville) | 2x(USA) | |
1986 | #7 (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1985 | Something Special (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1985 | Greatest Hits (MCA Nashville) | 4x(USA) | |
1984 | Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1983 | Right Or Wrong (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1982 | Strait From The Heart (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
1981 | Strait Country (MCA Nashville) | 1x(USA) | |
Cover | Jahr | Album | Anmerkung |
2003 | For the Last Time: Live From the Astrodome (Universal Music) | ||
Jahr | Album | Chart |
Höchste Platzierung
2013 | Here For A Good Time | Country Albums | 1 |
2013 | Icon 2: George Strait | Country Albums | 35 |
2013 | Icon: George Strait | Country Albums | 14 |
2012 | Here For A Good Time | Country Albums | 1 |
2012 | Here For A Good Time | The Billboard 200 | 3 |
2012 | Icon 2: George Strait | Country Albums | 35 |
2012 | Icon: George Strait | Country Albums | 14 |
2012 | Icon: George Strait | The Billboard 200 | 62 |
2012 | The Best Of George Strait: 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection | The Billboard 200 | 76 |
2012 | The Best Of George Strait: 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection | Top Pop Catalog | 10 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Country Albums | 1 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | The Billboard 200 | 3 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Top Canadian Albums | 12 |
2011 | Icon 2: George Strait | Country Albums | 40 |
2011 | Icon: George Strait | Country Albums | 17 |
2011 | Icon: George Strait | The Billboard 200 | 62 |
2011 | The Best Of George Strait: 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection | Top Pop Catalog | 10 |
2009 | Twang | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
2009 | Twang | Country Albums | 1 |
2008 | Classic Christmas | Country Albums | 16 |
2008 | Classic Christmas | The Billboard 200 | 90 |
2008 | Troubadour | Country Albums | 1 |
2008 | Troubadour | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
2008 | Troubadour | Top Internet Albums | 1 |
2008 | Troubadour | Top Canadian Albums | 13 |
2007 | 22 More Hits | Country Albums | 4 |
2007 | 22 More Hits | The Billboard 200 | 13 |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural | Country Albums | 1 |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural | Top Internet Albums | 3 |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural | The Billboard 200 | 3 |
2005 | Somewhere Down in Texas | Top Internet Albums | 1 |
2005 | Somewhere Down in Texas | Country Albums | 1 |
2005 | Somewhere Down in Texas | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
2004 | 50 Number Ones | Top Internet Albums | 0 |
2004 | 50 Number Ones | Country Albums | 1 |
2004 | 50 Number Ones | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
2004 | 50 Number Ones | Top Canadian Albums | 8 |
2004 | For the Last Time: Live from the Astrodome | Country Albums | 2 |
2004 | Honkytonkville | Country Albums | 1 |
2004 | Honkytonkville | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
2003 | 20th Century Masters - The Christmas Collection | Country Albums | 66 |
2003 | 20th Century Masters - The Christmas Collection | Country Albums | 71 |
2003 | For the Last Time: Live from the Astrodome | Top Internet Albums | 7 |
2003 | For the Last Time: Live from the Astrodome | The Billboard 200 | 7 |
2002 | 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of George Strait | Country Albums | 8 |
2002 | 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of George Strait | The Billboard 200 | 76 |
2001 | The Road Less Traveled | Country Albums | 1 |
2001 | The Road Less Traveled | The Billboard 200 | 9 |
2000 | George Strait | Country Albums | 1 |
2000 | George Strait | The Billboard 200 | 7 |
2000 | George Strait | Top Internet Albums | 10 |
2000 | Latest Greatest Straitest Hits | Country Albums | 1 |
2000 | Latest Greatest Straitest Hits | The Billboard 200 | 2 |
2000 | Latest Greatest Straitest Hits | Top Internet Albums | 6 |
1999 | Always Never the Same | Country Albums | 2 |
1999 | Always Never the Same | The Billboard 200 | 6 |
1999 | Merry Christmas Wherever You Are | Country Albums | 10 |
1999 | Merry Christmas Wherever You Are | The Billboard 200 | 78 |
1998 | One Step at a Time | Country Albums | 1 |
1998 | One Step at a Time | The Billboard 200 | 2 |
1997 | Carrying Your Love with Me | The Billboard 200 | 1 |
1997 | Carrying Your Love with Me | Country Albums | 1 |
1996 | Blue Clear Sky | Country Albums | 1 |
1996 | Blue Clear Sky | Country Albums | 6 |
1996 | Blue Clear Sky | The Billboard 200 | 7 |
1995 | Strait Out of the Box | Country Albums | 9 |
1995 | Strait Out of the Box | The Billboard 200 | 43 |
1994 | Lead On | Country Albums | 1 |
1994 | Lead On | The Billboard 200 | 26 |
1993 | Easy Come, Easy Go | Country Albums | 2 |
1993 | Easy Come, Easy Go | The Billboard 200 | 5 |
1992 | Holding My Own | Country Albums | 5 |
1992 | Holding My Own | The Billboard 200 | 33 |
1992 | Pure Country | Country Albums | 1 |
1992 | Pure Country | The Billboard 200 | 6 |
1992 | Ten Strait Hits | Country Albums | 7 |
1992 | Ten Strait Hits | The Billboard 200 | 46 |
1991 | Chill of an Early Fall | Country Albums | 4 |
1991 | Chill of an Early Fall | The Billboard 200 | 45 |
1990 | Livin' It Up | Country Albums | 1 |
1990 | Livin' It Up | The Billboard 200 | 35 |
1989 | Beyond the Blue Neon | Country Albums | 1 |
1989 | Beyond the Blue Neon | The Billboard 200 | 92 |
1988 | If You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin') | Country Albums | 1 |
1988 | If You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin') | The Billboard 200 | 87 |
1987 | Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 | Country Albums | 1 |
1987 | Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 | The Billboard 200 | 68 |
1987 | Ocean Front Property | Country Albums | 1 |
1987 | Ocean Front Property | The Billboard 200 | 117 |
1986 | #7 | Country Albums | 1 |
1986 | #7 | The Billboard 200 | 127 |
1986 | Merry Christmas Strait to You | Country Albums | 17 |
1985 | Greatest Hits | Country Albums | 4 |
1985 | Greatest Hits | The Billboard 200 | 157 |
1985 | Something Special | Country Albums | 1 |
1984 | Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind | The Billboard 200 | 150 |
1984 | Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind | The Billboard 200 | 177 |
1984 | Right or Wrong | The Billboard 200 | 163 |
1983 | Right or Wrong | Country Albums | 1 |
1983 | Right or Wrong | Country Albums | 8 |
1983 | Strait from the Heart | Country Albums | 42 |
1983 | Strait from the Heart | Country Albums | 53 |
1982 | Strait Country | Country Albums | 26 |
1982 | Strait from the Heart | Country Albums | 18 |
Jahr | Single | Chart |
Höchste Platzierung
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Canadian Hot 100 | 72 |
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot 100 Airplay | 36 |
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot Country Songs | 13 |
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot Digital Songs | 37 |
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot RingMasters | 10 |
2013 | Give It All We Got Tonight | The Billboard Hot 100 | 56 |
2012 | Drinkin' Man | Hot Country Songs | 37 |
2012 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot Country Songs | 25 |
2012 | Give It All We Got Tonight | Hot Digital Songs | 56 |
2012 | Give It All We Got Tonight | The Billboard Hot 100 | 94 |
2012 | Jingle Bell Rock | Hot RingMasters | 20 |
2012 | Love's Gonna Make It Alright | Hot 100 Airplay | 30 |
2012 | Love's Gonna Make It Alright | Hot Country Songs | 3 |
2012 | Love's Gonna Make It Alright | The Billboard Hot 100 | 61 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Canadian Hot 100 | 66 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Hot 100 Airplay | 26 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Hot Country Songs | 2 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | Hot Digital Songs | 57 |
2011 | Here For A Good Time | The Billboard Hot 100 | 46 |
2011 | Love's Gonna Make It Alright | Hot Country Songs | 24 |
2010 | I Gotta Get to You | Hot Country Songs | 3 |
2010 | I Gotta Get to You | Hot 100 Airplay | 27 |
2010 | I Gotta Get to You | The Billboard Hot 100 | 70 |
2010 | The Breath You Take | Hot Country Songs | 6 |
2010 | The Breath You Take | Hot 100 Airplay | 39 |
2010 | The Breath You Take | The Billboard Hot 100 | 63 |
2010 | The Breath You Take | Canadian Hot 100 | 90 |
2009 | Living for the Night | Country Singles | 10 |
2009 | Living for the Night | The Billboard Hot 100 | 74 |
2009 | Twang | Hot Country Songs | 14 |
2009 | Twang | Hot 100 Airplay | 57 |
2009 | Twang | The Billboard Hot 100 | 100 |
2008 | I Saw God Today | Country Singles | 1 |
2008 | I Saw God Today | The Billboard Hot 100 | 33 |
2008 | I Saw God Today | Hot Digital Songs | 49 |
2008 | I Saw God Today | Pop 100 | 65 |
2008 | River of Love | Country Singles | 3 |
2008 | River of Love | The Billboard Hot 100 | 59 |
2008 | Troubadour | Country Singles | 7 |
2008 | Troubadour | The Billboard Hot 100 | 54 |
2007 | How 'Bout Them Cowgirls | Country Singles | 3 |
2007 | How 'Bout Them Cowgirls | The Billboard Hot 100 | 49 |
2007 | Wrapped | Country Singles | 2 |
2007 | Wrapped | The Billboard Hot 100 | 71 |
2006 | Give It Away | Country Singles | 1 |
2006 | Give It Away | Hot Digital Songs | 23 |
2006 | Give It Away | The Billboard Hot 100 | 35 |
2006 | Give It Away | Pop 100 | 47 |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural | Country Singles | 1 |
2006 | It Just Comes Natural | The Billboard Hot 100 | 58 |
2006 | The Seashores of Old Mexico | Country Singles | 11 |
2006 | The Seashores of Old Mexico | The Billboard Hot 100 | 85 |
2005 | She Let Herself Go | Country Singles | 1 |
2005 | She Let Herself Go | The Billboard Hot 100 | 54 |
2005 | Texas | Country Singles | 35 |
2005 | You'll Be There | Country Singles | 4 |
2005 | You'll Be There | The Billboard Hot 100 | 54 |
2005 | You'll Be There | Pop 100 | 87 |
2004 | Cowboys Like Us | Country Singles | 2 |
2004 | Cowboys Like Us | The Billboard Hot 100 | 38 |
2004 | Desperately | Country Singles | 6 |
2004 | Desperately | The Billboard Hot 100 | 44 |
2004 | Honk If You Honky Tonk | Country Singles | 45 |
2004 | I Hate Everything | Country Singles | 1 |
2004 | I Hate Everything | The Billboard Hot 100 | 35 |
2003 | Take Me Back to Tulsa | Country Singles | 11 |
2003 | Take Me Back to Tulsa | The Billboard Hot 100 | 69 |
2003 | The Real Thing | Country Singles | 60 |
2002 | Living and Living Well | Country Singles | 1 |
2002 | Living and Living Well | The Billboard Hot 100 | 27 |
2002 | She'll Leave You with a Smile | Country Singles | 1 |
2002 | She'll Leave You with a Smile | The Billboard Hot 100 | 23 |
2002 | Stars on the Water | Country Singles | 50 |
2001 | Christmas Cookies | Country Singles | 33 |
2001 | If You Can Do Anything Else | Country Singles | 5 |
2001 | If You Can Do Anything Else | The Billboard Hot 100 | 51 |
2001 | Run | Country Singles | 2 |
2001 | Run | The Billboard Hot 100 | 34 |
2000 | Don't Make Me Come Over There and Love You | Country Singles | 17 |
2000 | Don't Make Me Come Over There and Love You | Country Singles | 59 |
2000 | Go On | Country Singles | 2 |
2000 | Go On | The Billboard Hot 100 | 40 |
2000 | I Know What I Want for Christmas | Country Singles | 74 |
2000 | Jingle Bell Rock | Country Singles | 72 |
2000 | Murder on Music Row | Country Singles | 38 |
2000 | Old Time Christmas | Country Singles | 62 |
2000 | The Best Day | Country Singles | 1 |
2000 | The Best Day | The Billboard Hot 100 | 31 |
1999 | Always Never the Same | Country Singles | 69 |
1999 | I Look at You | Country Singles | 75 |
1999 | Meanwhile | Country Singles | 4 |
1999 | Meanwhile | The Billboard Hot 100 | 38 |
1999 | One of You | Country Singles | 73 |
1999 | Peace of Mind | Country Singles | 74 |
1999 | What Do You Say to That | Country Singles | 4 |
1999 | What Do You Say to That | The Billboard Hot 100 | 45 |
1999 | Write This Down | Country Singles | 1 |
1999 | Write This Down | The Billboard Hot 100 | 27 |
1998 | I Just Want to Dance with You | Country Singles | 1 |
1998 | I Just Want to Dance with You | The Billboard Hot 100 | 61 |
1998 | Merry Christmas Strait to You | Country Singles | 58 |
1998 | Round About Way | Country Singles | 1 |
1998 | True | Country Singles | 2 |
1998 | We Really Shouldn't Be DoingThis | Country Singles | 4 |
1998 | We Really Shouldn't Be DoingThis | The Billboard Hot 100 | 44 |
1998 | You Haven't Left Me Yet | Country Singles | 59 |
1997 | Carrying Your Love with Me | Country Singles | 1 |
1997 | Do the Right Thing | Country Singles | 69 |
1997 | One Night at a Time | Country Singles | 1 |
1997 | One Night at a Time | The Billboard Hot 100 | 59 |
1997 | Today My World Slipped Away | Country Singles | 3 |
1996 | Blue Clear Sky | Country Singles | 1 |
1996 | Carried Away | Country Singles | 1 |
1996 | I Can Still Make Cheyenne | Country Singles | 4 |
1996 | King of the Mountain | Country Singles | 19 |
1995 | Adalida | Country Singles | 3 |
1995 | Check Yes or No | Country Singles | 1 |
1995 | I Know She Still Loves Me | Country Singles | 5 |
1995 | Lead On | Country Singles | 7 |
1995 | You Can't Make a Heart Love Somebody | Country Singles | 1 |
1994 | I'd Like to Have That One Back | Country Singles | 3 |
1994 | Lovebug | Country Singles | 8 |
1994 | The Big One | Country Singles | 1 |
1994 | The Man in Love With You | Country Singles | 4 |
1994 | You Can't Make a Heart Love Somebody | Country Singles | 46 |
1993 | Easy Come, Easy Go | Country Singles | 1 |
1993 | Easy Come, Easy Go | The Billboard Hot 100 | 71 |
1993 | Heartland | Country Singles | 1 |
1993 | I'd Like to Have That One Back | Country Singles | 26 |
1993 | When Did You Stop Loving Me | Country Singles | 6 |
1992 | Gone as a Girl Can Get | Country Singles | 5 |
1992 | I Cross My Heart | Country Singles | 1 |
1992 | Lovesick Blues | Country Singles | 24 |
1992 | Overnight Male | Country Singles | 70 |
1992 | So Much Like My Dad | Country Singles | 3 |
1991 | If I Know Me | Country Singles | 1 |
1991 | The Chill of an Early Fall | Country Singles | 3 |
1991 | You Know Me Better Than That | Country Singles | 1 |
1990 | Drinking Champagne | Country Singles | 4 |
1990 | Hollywood Squares | Country Singles | 67 |
1990 | I've Come to Expect It from You | Country Singles | 1 |
1990 | Love Without End, Amen | Country Singles | 1 |
1989 | Ace in the Hole | Country Singles | 1 |
1989 | Baby's Gotten Good at Goodbye | Country Singles | 1 |
1989 | Overnight Success | Country Singles | 8 |
1989 | What's Going on in Your World | Country Singles | 1 |
1988 | Baby Blue | Country Singles | 1 |
1988 | Famous Last Words of a Fool | Country Singles | 1 |
1988 | If You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin') | Country Singles | 1 |
1987 | All My Ex's Live in Texas | Country Singles | 1 |
1987 | Am I Blue | Country Singles | 1 |
1987 | Ocean Front Property | Country Singles | 1 |
1986 | It Ain't Cool to Be Crazy About You | Country Singles | 1 |
1986 | Nobody in His Right Mind Would've Left Her | Country Singles | 1 |
1986 | You're Something Special to Me | Country Singles | 4 |
1985 | The Chair | Country Singles | 1 |
1985 | The Cowboy Rides Away | Country Singles | 5 |
1985 | The Fireman | Country Singles | 5 |
1984 | Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind | Country Singles | 1 |
1984 | Let's Fall to Pieces Together | Country Singles | 1 |
1984 | Right or Wrong | Country Singles | 1 |
1983 | A Fire I Can't Put Out | Country Singles | 1 |
1983 | Amarillo by Morning | Country Singles | 4 |
1983 | Marina del Rey | Country Singles | 6 |
1983 | You Look So Good in Love | Country Singles | 1 |
1982 | Fool Hearted Memory | Country Singles | 1 |
1982 | If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger (There's One Coming Home) | Country Singles | 3 |
1981 | Down and Out | Country Singles | 16 |
1981 | Unwound | Country Singles | 6 |
Jahr | Rolle | Film/Serie |
2003 | Stimme von Cornell | King Of The Hill |
2002 | sich selbst | Grand Champion |
1992 | Dusty Wyatt Chandler | Pure Country |
1982 | - | The Soldier |